Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your friends at Kurtis Waters, MD PA.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dizziness Matrix

Blogs by Katie-

If your dizziness does not fall into the matrix below, further testing may be considered to determine the cause of your symptoms.

Your symptoms may be related to other etiologies such as Cervical Neck issues, dizziness provoked by neck position, or possibly Migraine Associated Dizziness.

Episodic Vertigo
Persistent Vertigo
+ Hearing Loss
No Hearing Loss
Vestibular Neuronitis

Please comment here on my blog if you have experienced Vertigo before or after a migraine, or call our office number, 218-454-8888, to schedule an appointment and discuss your personal situation.

Thank You,

Katie Starns, NP


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Acute Dizziness- Vertigo

Blogs by Katie-

Your medical history and an audiogram are of utmost importance when assessing vertigo.

Episodic Vertigo (vertigo happens once and awhile) which is associated with hearing loss - testing for Meniere's disease should be considered.

Persistent Vertigo associated with persistent hearing loss; Labrytnthitis (inflammation of the inner ear) should be considered.

Episodic Vertigo with NO associated hearing loss; Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPW) should be considered.  BPPV is one of the most common causes of vertigo.

Persistent Vertigo with NO associated hearing loss; Vestibular Neurontis should be considered.

If you have suffered with Vertigo - Which definition above most accurately describes your experience?

Please comment to this blog, or call for an appointment with me, and we will discuss your symptoms in detail.

Thank You,

Katie Starns, NP

Acute Dizziness

Welcome to Blogs by Katie!

There are many different causes of acute dizziness.  People often us the term "dizziness" as a blanket term for symptoms.  However, it is important to differentiate what this dizzy sensation exactly means and feels like to the appropriate health care provider.  True dizziness or VERTIGO, is a rotational sensation, also with vertigo it is important to assess if hearing loss is associated with the episode. 

Please comment on this blog!  If you have suffered with vertigo- was your hearing tested?

Thank You,

Katie Starns, NP

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kurtis Waters, MD introduces Blogs by Katie!

Blogs by Katie ~

Katie Starns, NP -  will post three blogs on acute dizziness! 

Follow us on Blogger and Google+ to obtain this great information!

Beginning December 12th for three days Katie Starns will post information for anyone who has suffered from dizziness, we hope you will interact with our blog and post comments or questions.

To make an appointment with Katie Starns to discuss your personal experiences with dizziness, please call our clinic at 218-454-8888.

Thank You,

Dr. Waters